LTE: Claims political lies
Editor, Gettysburg Times,
Douglas Mastriano and his overlord, Donald Trump, are conducting a slash-and-burn war on the truth. I don’t think that they are winning, but it is undeniable that they have inflicted many casualties. The war on science, facts and truth is Trump’s most harmful legacy.
Trump and his minions have convinced millions of people that our voting system is flawed and cannot be trusted, despite the fact that not a single court has upheld their claims. Many elections deniers – Mastriano, Joyce and Perry included — were themselves elected in contests that they claim were flawed. How do they explain that bit of magic?
My deepest hope is that the majority of voters in the upcoming elections reject these lies. I especially challenge Mastriano to provide details about every single instance of impropriety in voting in the 2020 and 2022 elections in Pennsylvania. I expect him to provide first-hand evidence of names, dates, places, etc. – in other words, evidence that would satisfy a court. I especially expect to hear of instances from Mastriano’s own district, including Adams County, where our local officials have established an exemplary voting process.
Until he does so, the senator should stop making false claims about improprieties in our elections. He should put up or shut up.
Donald Marritz,