LTE: Qually Supports women
Editor, Gettysburg Times,
The opinions expressed within this letter are mine and mine alone, they do not reflect those of the my fellow Adams County commissioners.
Last month during our daughter’s graduation from nursing school, I received a call from a friend. He wanted to know my reaction to the leaked Supreme Court draft and apparent Roe v. Wade decision. My answer was simple. Women have the right to control their own bodies. This is an inalienable right, no one can tell a competent person what they can do with our own bodies. Fast forward to today and we know the draft ruling is now a settled decision. For now in Pennsylvania abortion is still accessible, but for how much longer? The next election could change everything!
We should not sit by as half the population is denied their freedom. Instead, we should protect a woman’s full access to safe and legal healthcare. As a society we also need to address paid family leave, promote pre- and postnatal care, increase affordable quality childcare, and fight for pay equity. I was raised by a strong women. Both my former wife Tanya and my wife Elizabeth are strong women, all three of my sisters are amazing, and our daughter is “fierce” (Elizabeth gets the real credit for that one). I know that our world is a better place when they are treated as equals to men.
Any elected official, who does not treat women as equals, does not deserve their elected seat. Please join me in supporting candidates that support women. If you want to discuss this issue, feel free to reach out to me. I am always available. My email is and my personal cell phone is 717-339-6514.
Marty Qually,