Supports For the People Act

Editor, Gettysburg Times,

Are you concerned about the state of our democracy today? — that the majority of people are not heard or are ignored by those who are pledged to represent them? The For the People Act would make a major difference for our democracy. Having passed the U.S. House as HR1, it has moved to the U.S. Senate as S1. This comprehensive reform bill would end dark money in political campaigns, providing for disclosure of secret campaign spending and replacing billions of dollars in dark money with small-donor-funded elections. It would make voting easier by expanding early voting, providing for automatic voter registration, and allowing vote-by-mail for any voter who wants it. It would ensure impartial redistricting, ethics reforms, and much more. These measures would make our democracy more responsive and elected officials more accountable to ordinary people like you and me.

Please call Senator Toomey (D.C. office 202-224-4254) or e-mail him under CONTACT on his Senate web page ( Urge him to support S1: For the People Act. Tell him that you are his constituent and indicate that this bill, which has strong public support, will strengthen our democracy, surely a concern of his.

Jeanne Duffy,
